Wednesday, November 30, 2016

A careful study of the backgammon game is no less intelligent than chess. Part 1.

I was fortunate to meet many intelligent, educated people on the path of life. But how often my friends and acquaintances to know that I am fond of backgammon seriously, genuinely surprised. Why there is an disdain for backgammon? In my opinion, the fact there are two reasons. Most people, having learned very simple rules of this game, do not even know about the whole world of the sacraments of the game of backgammon, the subtle positional maneuvers, beautiful combinations and so on. D. The misconception about backgammon develops from a lack of information, and as a child. The second reason is perhaps interwoven with the first - most popular and attractive force of chess. Among the chess intellectual games do take almost the first place. But backgammon close to them. Author of books on famous French backgammon Felix Jean quipped: "If chess - king of games, the backgammon - his prime minister." Backgammon - addictive game created by the genius of peoples. Rules it worked out and polished over the centuries. Any game simulates certain situations in life. Is no exception and backgammon, in which it is necessary either to destroy or lock up enemy forces. The strict logic of the struggle does not binds fantasy backgammon! Simplicity is clearly misleading. Outstanding French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712¬1778) believed that, despite the extremely simple rules of backgammon are there to give birth to a genius! At first glance, backgammon equivalent. In fact, there is not a horse nor elephant nor rooks or queens, but identical in appearance, they nonetheless can be quite different: strong, active, delivers his opponent too much trouble, or weak, passive, whose role at the moment is not so weighty .. from one danger I want to warn from the outset. Seeing how coherent and rigorous logic of the game of backgammon, beginners often do not learn to think for themselves, but simply repeat options (that is, the chain moves). It may seem that everything is investigated in backgammon. Then the thought stops working, and eventually all the usual accepted as truth. Naturally, such an approach is detrimental. It is worth recalling the words of the French philosopher Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592): .Not imagine how you can be content with the knowledge gained from second-hand: although foreign knowledge may have something to teach, there are wise only in their own wisdom.

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