Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Caring about people - the main thing in the company ARTprom.

Once in the office ARTprom bell rang at the end of the agitated female voice:
- Help, heart broken!
- Girl, do we do backgammon, and other professionals looking for a hearty affairs.
From the conversation we learn that she had bought at a flea market in a gift favorite backgammon with large image of the heart on the playing field, and after two days of backgammon cracked just in the place where the heart is shown. Sellers, of course can not be found.
- But still, you have in the city, can not be repaired?
- I tried, but it guarantees that backgammon is not re-cracked in the same "heart" place no one gives.
We try to convince her that it's just a picture that does not mean anything, but to no avail. She believes that if the heart is not restored on the present, and the relationship with your loved one will come to an end.
- How much time do we have?
- Before the festival remained ten days.
- Running late. What to do?
- "We must have time" - intervenes in the conversation, Vadim, director ARTprom, "At stake is the reputation of the company and the destiny of man"
- Send backgammon plane.
- Thank you, already running.
The next day, backgammon examines carpenter guru Uncle Vasya.
"Unseasoned wood" - his response.
"Today such" fufel "fully in the global markets. Legally like backgammon in China and the flooding of Europe and America. Simply three new backgammon do than this stuff to fix "- boiled Uncle Vasya.
Explaining the situation, it is necessary to get into position, recall the reputation of the company. The next day a new backgammon shine varnish on the playing field flaunts a new heart, a heart giver initials.
- Do not burst now?
- Insult. I fully understand and backgammon playing field replaced from its qualitative forest.
We call girl:
- Shipment by DHL backgammon.
- Thank you, you saved me!
Along the way, we find out how to find out about us. It turns out a friend Anna (our companion) recently ordered our gift hunting backgammon with greeting inscription, Dad was satisfied.

Besides backgammon with gift inscription, the company produces ARTprom backgammon with a portrait of human Congratulations, we will post on your backgammon any image, which only tells your imagination. All backgammon made only of high quality, valuable timber.

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