What is the relationship with the game of backgammon with science?In backgammon research methods are used. First of all - the analysis. It permeates the backgammon game from top to bottom. Without kropotlivo¬go, comprehensive analysis is impossible to talk seriously about the work. But exhaustive analysis very difficult and not always possible. Often there are items that generally are difficult to analyze. Here comes to the aid of evaluation positions. Compare it can be, perhaps, a medical work on the diagnosis. But
if it will be given to install the correct .diagnoz., That is to
correctly assess the position in the game of backgammon, then it will be
easier to analyze. The
game of backgammon in the evaluation of the position of the material
taken into account the strength of both sides and their positions on the
board. Learning to correctly assess the position is not easy. Here we need and rich experience, and knowledge, and intuition. Recently,
a famous surgeon, Professor Roman Petrovich Zelenin (he masterfully
plays backgammon) said that two of his patients, in spite of the
rigorous research, could not manage to establish the diagnosis. And it depended on their lives. Only rich intuition helped him to emerge victorious in the struggle with the disease. Ucherny believes that in some way it helped backgammon! No wonder the game theory has found wide application in medicine. How can a person plays? Does backgammon players sorted out billions of options? Of course not! The man simply knows how much to discard automatically. After all, in life, there are very often millions of situations that do not even come to mind! Calculation of moves in the game of backgammon occurs exemplary scheme: go well - he will respond well. and so on. d. And what if the opponent elect another sequel? The number of options is growing dramatically. It was then, and need the ability to distinguish between "umnye moves from the" stupid ".
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